Sunday, November 20, 2011

Marking Locations in Google Maps on Your Personal Web

After making a few days ago I wrote an article how to display the google map on our own personal website, now I'll write an article how to indicate a location on google map ours is. Marker. Yes, the name of the location marked on the google map marker commonly called. Generally the picture is the same markers as the picture next to it. But did not rule out the marker image is not the same as the picture beside.
Usually the use of these markers are used to indicate a position location information. Let's say, on my blog
header menu contains links culinary poor. At the link there is a google map in which there are several pieces marker. Marker contained on the map indicates the location of a place of culinary positions in the city of Malang.
Ok, without many strings attached, let us begin to serve targeted display the marker. for more convenience, we still use the existing script in the article showing google map on our own personal website. Once you have been having an existing script in the article, now copy the following script line.


    var point = new GLatLng(-7.9210875715632465,112.59565830230713);

    map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point));

Put code above under the following script.
    if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {





    //put the script here

In the script displays the marker at the top, is a marker to show the position of the location of Mosque Ar-Fachruddin at  University of Muhammadiyah Malang. -7.9210875715632465 is the latitude coordinates, while 112.59565830230713 is the longitude coordinates. If you want to show the other coordinates, please visit the lookup address these coordinates. Easy isn't it? now your turn to try it bagooos

Demo marker :

Download script :

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